Bufnagle: the Podcast

Ep 232: Backyard Radio — The Story of Radio Station WEPB-LP FM with Big Brain Smart Head™ Mickey Guffey

Bufnagle Season 1 Episode 232

After the release of Episode 229 in which the Buf discusses a unique low-power radio station in Noblesville, Indiana, Rafe goes on the hunt to make contact, somehow, with the people at the station.

Following some internet leads, he eventually reaches the creator, owner, and operator of 106.3 FM WEPB-LP radio, this week's Big Brain Smart Head™ guest Mickey Guffey.

Mickey joins the Buf this week to discuss all things related to low-power radio and the joys and sorrows related to literally running a radio station out of your backyard.


As always, you can reach the Buf at bufnagle@bufnagle.com


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