Bufnagle: the Podcast

Ep 227: "A Robot Can't Do That" — Nicholas Cage, Plato, Steampunk, and AI

Bufnagle Season 1 Episode 227

Rafe discusses Nicholas Cage's lament over the coming of AI to film-making and along with it traces a history of Man's model for viewing Man as the hot technology of the times.  Along the way we learn that Man is not a chariot, nor a wind-up clock, nor a steam engine, nor electric circuit, nor race car, nor rocket or a computer or an AI model; Man is a material body infused with a soul.

Be aware of the model that you use to think about yourself and others, as it impacts how you think, how you reason, and how you act.  Make sure your model helps you seek the Good, live virtuously, and flourish.  


As always, you can reach the Buf at bufnagle@bufnagle.com


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